Thursday, June 12, 2008

Playin' Catch Up

Well my weekend in Prescott, AZ was just what the doctor ordered. We had a great time. Here is my friend Ceil on the right and me on the left. I look much younger and thinner in my imagination.

This is my friend Ceil on the left with our friend Nancy. Nancy was the designated driver for our trip.

I think that Ceil and I taxed her last nerve, but I swear she had fun also! We shopped for arts and crafts on the courthouse square, antiques in lots of cute little shops and ate lots of good food. Ceil was the official trip photographer, so I will hopefully get some better shots from her. The weather in Prescott was gorgeous. Sunny and in the 70s. It is such a nice change once the weather in Phoenix starts to get hot.

Here is the other member of our traveling group. This is Nancy's skunk. She once made the mistake of telling us that she saw a skunk in the Cul-de-Sac one morning. (she is my across the street neighbor) and we haven't let her forget it. Most of us think it was the other neighbors black and white cat. But ever since then this stuffed skunk appears at the most unlikely of times, like when Ceil and Nancy went into the Walgreen's for ice and water and I was left to watch the car.

And then as luck would have it, there was a Quilt Show in Prescott at the local college. We didn't have a lot of time for it, and Nancy is not a quilter, but we did manage to do a drive by and spend about 30 minutes there while Nancy enjoyed the weather outside. It is amazing how much damage you can do in 30 minutes, but I don't need to tell you girls that.

In my defense, they were on sale. It would have been wrong to leave them there at 25% off. My DS loves the funky monkey prints and I have been wanting the Sandy Gervais Fresh Squeezed for a while now. I have been on rather a buying binge lately. It would probably be a good idea to sew some as well.

More later,


1 comment:

Julie said...

I'm feeling very envious about that fabric! Sounds like you had great fun.